photo credit: Ashley Willis Photography

Hi, I'm Michelle. 
I am a photographer, but I am also a historian, the wife of my best friend, a world traveler, a mother of three amazing children, a writer, a thrill seeker, an over-dramatic middle child, a reader, and a humanitarian. I want to be so many things that I am not {yet}, but that is just part of who I am. My passions are always expanding, my children are always growing, and rarely do my feet stay in the same place for very long. This is where the value of photography truly lies. It is about defining a moment, so that as we grow, we can look back and see from where we have come. I would love to be a part of capturing those moments for you, both significant and small. I believe that every person has a great story to tell. I cannot wait to hear yours. 

Drop me a line anytime

Michelle Greer Photography, Stamford Connecticut Family Photography